Monday 6 April 2015

More Bliss

Perhaps the third time I have heard Jonathan Biss, the last occasion being at the Wigmore Hall and noticed at reference 1. This occasion being the QEH and given that Biss was the advertised pianist I printed off the page illustrated from the SBC web site rather than stump up the four or five quid they ask for a series programme (about which I have moaned before).

Bad start with smelly chips on the platform at Epsom, which thankfully did not mount the train. Instead I had a couple of boxing buffs banging on about boxing all the way to Clapham Junction.

Arrived at the QEH in time to catch a fine skyscape over Charing Cross, some blue and including a soft edged, mid grey cloud which looked as if it was dropping a lot of rain somewhere in north London. Also to find that management had, on this occasion left out the irritating powerpoint which they sometimes display above the stage.

I liked the Berg and Schoenberg better than I had thought likely. And it was improved by trying to just let it wash over me, rather than trying to follow it in any detail. Waldscenen better than last time (see reference 2). Biss in good form, quite energetic, energetic enough that I could hear his breathing and the occasional squeak from his stool - for which management managed to find a replacement just in time for the second half. While I was waiting for the second half, a gentleman nearby saw fit to show off his musical knowledge to his wife, which was a little tiresome, although, to be fair, not as bad as the boxing buffs.

Beethoven went down very well, although I rather like the G major Op. 79 and thought the SBC accusation of whimsical a bit harsh.

Not too sure about Schumann's Arabesque for an encore. Chosen for a nightcap as it were, but I am not sure that Biss would not have done better to stop with the Appassionata. Perhaps, as we finished quite early, in my case time to catch the 2124, he thought we would want a bit more for our money. In any event, I liked the Arabesque better fresh this morning from YouTube. Horowitz.

No score.

If you like the sound of it all, he is doing it all again in 10 days or so as part of the Union College Concert Series at Schenectady, NY, USA (gmaps 42.818330, -73.929475, roughly half way as the crow flies from New York to the Tupper Lake we visited last fall). I wonder if the chaps at the SBC would have got a discount if they had found out that they were sharing?

PS: much embarrassment. I have only just found out, after three outings and two posts, that it is Biss not Bliss. I suppose, having locked onto the wrong but similar word, the brain did not bother to read the word in any detail again. I am reminded of the sort of blunder with which I used to be afflicted in the world of work.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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