Tuesday 26 January 2016


There is something of a glut of 'House' DVDs in Epsom, so knowing next to nothing about it, beyond it being a medical soap featuring Bertie Wooster (whom we had liked when he appeared on ITV3), thought to give it a go and so became the temporary owner of series 5 and 6. We have seen two episodes and have now returned the two boxes to the pool.

It all seemed rather noisy, manic, frantic and rectal to us. This last because of a seeming fascination with rectal examinations. Also rather medical in general, with lots of hypodermics (which I am still a bit touchy about) and other medical apparatus on view. Lots of cod-psychiatry, particularly as regards the medical staff. Furthermore, we were sufficiently out of touch with US taste in medical soap for it to take some time for us to realise that this one was really a spoof.

The DVDs came with a fair amount of advertisement filled packaging, all rather irritating, and although the episodes themselves had no advertisement breaks, the gaps where they had been were clearly visible. We wondered how much the need to work in six minute takes and the need to compete with the very expensively crafted advertisements screened between takes disturbed things.

We also wondered about the way that the structure of this medical soap paralleled that of a murder soap, for example, Inspector Morse, or perhaps Sherlock Holmes. The way, for example, that life threatening situations licensed all kinds of prying, prying which is not normally allowed. Then there are all the red-herrings. Perhaps a fit topic for a dissertation for a student at our University of Creation - although that said I am not sure that they do this sort of creation. More a fashion place. See reference 2.

We thought perhaps that the idea was that Wooster took this show on because he did not want to go down in history as the chap who did a great job of portraying a rich prat from England - but in the end just settled for the money - the show having done very well indeed in the ratings. Maybe, even more episodes than our own 'Midsomer Murders'. Wikipedia tells me that he was on £250,000 or so an episode.

It also tells me that he was a product of Eton, Cambridge and Cambridge Footlights. A champion rower, talented musician and even dabbles a bit in writing. So clearly a very talented chap. But sadly, 'House' was not for us. At least Tadworth Children's Trust is near £10 better off.

Reference 1: https://www.thechildrenstrust.org.uk/.

Reference 2: http://www.uca.ac.uk/life-at-uca/locations/epsom/.

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