Friday 1 January 2016

A difficult picture 1

The putative nipplewort mentioned the other day at reference 1, now transplanted to the bit of rough bed behind the new daffodil bed. It had a surprisingly substantial root ball, substantial while being compact. Looked fine after 24 hours, with one flower coming back out quite nicely, but we shall see what happens next. I don't even know if the thing is an annual or what - but I have staked it, so I should be able to find where it ought to be when I next think of it.

A difficult thing to photograph, it being a fairly small and insignificant plant and there being lots of clutter in the background. One of the scenes on which the eyeball does a much better job than a camera. Perhaps it would have done better had I got the primula bottom left out of view. Perhaps with Photoshop I would have been able to tone down the background after the event, but I have no idea if that package includes the kind of logic needed to discriminate between a nominated, quite complicated plant - including the dying flower stalk shooting out up and left - and the rest. The Lumia must have at least some of what is needed to do that as one can tell it what to focus on by tapping the screen, so perhaps the idea is not that far-fetched.

PS: whatever is the 31 doing in the file name of the post? Surely there are not 31 posts of that name? Not sure how I can easily check, not knowing whether or how I can query on the post title rather than the post body - there will be plenty with horton and clockwise there.

Reference 1:

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