Saturday 9 January 2016

A change

Having an early call to make in Epsom last week, I had to leave before breakfast and so thought it was time to have a suburban bacon sandwich, to make a change from those at Whitecross Street. See, for example, reference 1. Having given the matter some quality time, I decided on a first visit to the Café Roxanne, in West Ewell, rather than a follow up visit to Los Amigos (see reference 2).

So having made my early call, off up East Street, where, as it happened I came across of bit of shuttering for a newly poured concrete path, from the sidewalk to the front door of a property being refurbished. A neat & substantial bit of shuttering which put the absence of same at reference 3 to shame. Luckily, this last hole has now been filled back up without anything untoward having happened to the kerb in the course of the rain we have been having, and we now have just the mess to clear up.

Then at Bourne Hall there was a building worker, all togged up in hi-vis taking a picture of the back of his lorry with his rather battered looking telephone. I did ask him what he was up to, but was unable to understand the answer and did not like to pursue the matter. Presumably some bit of builder bureaucracy which takes the place of on-site supervision these days.

And so the Café Roxanne which turned out actually to be the Café Rosana (see snip from gnmaps above) - although the customers, mostly older men, looked as if they might have had wives called Roxanne or might have, in their day, visited clubs behind pubs called Roxanne's. Clubs which might, perhaps, have involved a bit of puff. The place was run by a cheerful couple whom I took to be Portuguese, a couple who managed a very fine bacon sandwich to take with my tea and Guardian, perhaps the first copy of this last to grace the premises for a while. Possibly an even better bacon sandwich than those offered by either of the other two establishments mentioned above.

The remainder of my walk home was uneventful, apart from a heron being buzzed by a seagull for some reason. The heron just flapped on regardless, presumably not having the agility needed to get back at a seagull, which was probably, in any event, a nuisance rather than a threat.

PS: it took OneDrive a long time to move the snap included above from downstairs to upstairs - and I have not yet found a reliable way to poke it into synchronisation action. Downstairs on the possibly flawed grounds that a MS snip from the big screen downstairs would yield a better picture than the same snip from the small screen upstairs.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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