Friday 11 April 2014


Starting to make some progress with the new toy first reported on 7th April. It has still not clogged and I feel I am starting to get the feel of the thing. But I miss the simple power of the biro on the long line.

Turning from the horse's head on paper to the cows in the park, I was not impressed to read that our council is devoting time and resources to introducing cows into another of our parks. Is it not enough to have the things messing up the common? Do we really have to have them messing up Nork Park too? Why do our council, said to so desperately short of money, think it cool to squander what little they have on projects of this sort?

We have thousands and thousands of real farmers living on benefit (aka subsidies. See who ought to be delighted to have the hand that feeds them come and visit. To have townies come and play with their cows; townies who might even pay for the privilege of playing with cows, with making hay and other rustic pursuits. Which being so, why mess up our own backyard to do the same thing rather badly? Why can't the council leave our parks for the people who like to walk in them without being intimidated by large & smelly animals whose proper place is in the country or in a burger?

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