Saturday 5 December 2015


I reported buying bacon at reference 1; smoked streaky, which I have always preferred to back. Yesterday afternoon it was finished off, in the way that God intended. Or at least almost.

That is to say I took the last four rashers and fried them, in a little oil rather than lard, of which last we do still have a supply. So by choice rather than necessity. The rashers were quite thick, say 3mm at thickest, and they needed a bit of care and attention to get them cooked enough without crisping them. A trick which the Market Café at Whitecross Street seems to manage without any fuss at all - although I should add that they buy bacon which has been sliced to a uniform 1.5mm, which makes their task a little easier. I imagine also that they use a well-seasoned hot plate rather than a frying pan which which is not really big enough for the purpose and which is no longer well-seasoned.

There was water in the bacon, but none of the unseemly white froth which usually emerges from the stuff from supermarkets. There was a tendency to stick, but I think that was the frying pan rather than the bacon.

After five minutes or so, the result was that the thin bits of my bacon were a little crisper than I really like, but it went down very well, nevertheless, with brown bread. Broken French style rather than the traditional English factory bread bacon sandwich.

No doubt deeply unhealthy, all that salt and cholesterol, but maybe I will survive the occasional treat, so occasional that I can't remember when I last cooked bacon, never mind fried it in the old style. Maybe next month I will try frying in lard and buy in some factory white special?


These are provided at and, opened today, having noticed that this blog is getting towards the 2,000 posts mark, a mark which I think is about enough. Better to get the names in now in case some other character thinks he or she likes the sound of them.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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