Monday 21 September 2015


Following the thought posted at reference 1 the other day, I actually though to try the apple motion today on the lumia - and it worked. There was a limited amount of zoom to be had by appropriate two finger action, with the results left.

Not clear whether one gets more pixels to the house by zooming in on it, perhaps by the lumia being able to move the lens about, or whether it has just clipped the image for the purposes of display. The left hand part of the picture did not look too clever on the telephone, but it looks OK on the PC. And using the Powerpoint zoom suggests that by the time the two images have got there (Powerpoint being where I stuck the two images together) they have the same number of pixels to the screen inch. But who knows how many pixel destroying mappings the images have been through since leaving the lumia? Clearly a feature to be played with.

I also wonder how much wailing and gnashing of teeth there would have been had someone attempted to add something like the green roof illustrated to a house in our road. The one illustrated is in a road which contains houses of a sort which you might easily find in a London suburb - but on the other hand the circus-style tent of the neighbourhood Butlins is just off camera to the right. Maybe if you allow one of those, you are abdicating any rights you may have had to object to more modest extensions and infills.

Reference 1:

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