Monday 28 September 2015

A puzzle solved

From time to time I have wondered what granola is. Once, for example, when BH had it for breakfast at reference 1, not to be confused with reference 2, which might have a similar address and sell similar looking products but is actually in Singapore. The granola is the stuff under the fruit salad, but I was too busy tackling my doughnuts, one with crispy bacon. The one, that is, back left.

Then there are granola bars, confectionery items which one comes across from time to time.

Tiring of all this wondering, BH thought she had better get a packet of the stuff and put the whole topic to bed. Stuff which turned out to be a breakfast cereal version of the flapjack, inter alia a high energy dessert favoured by the Outward Bound authorities for long distance hikers. Days, that is, not the months favoured by the wild people at reference 3. An Epsom variation being called the mealy-munchy, famous for being unknown to the all-knowing google.

So what we had was oats, some rolled some not, toasted and coated in a sugar glaze. A few nuts and raisins for garnish. Some honey for flavouring. The whole described as 65% oats, 15% sugar, 20% odds and ends. I took mine with a little milk. OK, but rather sweet and one needed to be careful with one's fillings. Just the thing, I dare say, for a winter's morning in a cold country, but I don't think I shall be pushing for a second bag.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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