Saturday 5 September 2015

A brain wave

A fresh off the block brain wave, apt for a life to come on the ocean wave.

For some reason I was thinking about the lenses of periscopes, possibly some psychic residue of the matters recorded at reference 1.

From there I have the idea that there is no need for the business end of a periscope to be attached to the submarine by a short steel tube any more. If you can put a camera in my telephone or on the end of something you push through drains, you can certainly put one on the end of something that bends that you unroll from a submarine.

On the end of the something that bends, you put a contraption, perhaps the size of a shoe box, which floats and which contains any amount of electronic gadgetry, including at least one camera which you can control from the submarine below. No more lurking at periscope depth with the tell-tale periscope poking out of the water, waiting to be rammed by someone hostile on the surface.

The limitation being that even these days, you probably still need some kind of serious tether in order to provide broad-enough band communications. Waves through water not that hot, whales and their love songs notwithstanding.

A bonus would be that the contraption would be disposable and replaceable. You could afford to carry any number of spares in the submarine, with replacement being accomplished, as needed, while remaining submerged.

This post affirming my ownership of this wheeze. Infringers of the copyright thus established will be pursued with the full vigour of the law. Legal aid permitting.

Reference 1:

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