Saturday 23 November 2013

Jigsaw 22, Series 2

Another jigsasw which has been some time in the solving, this one having been started around 2000 on Sunday 3rd November and finished around 0800 yesterday, 22nd November.

A slow start, and for perhaps the first time, did not finish the border before embarking on the interior, having found the sky part of the border a lot more difficult than the sky line. Then worked down to the blue line of rocks to the left and of distant woods to the right, probably leaving an island of water behind to do at the end. All fairly straightforward.

Then got around to finishing the top border, finishing that around the 9th, but leaving a twenty by two patch of sky, difficult for such a narrow patch because of the regularity of the pieces. Four of which met at every interior vertex and every interior one of which was of the hole-prong-hole-prong configuration with little variation in size or shape, beyond a slight variation in aspect ratio, a variation which usually told you which way round a piece went, up to reflection anyway. Sky eventually completed after a fashion, but the result was a little bumpy and there were probably mistakes - but having finally got a completed sky decided to leave what was at least fairly well, alone.

Then came the rocks and woods of the lower half of the image - somewhere alpine not further specified - which were also difficult. Gradually built some islands of rock, which, after what seemed like a long time started to coalesce, both to each other and to the containing surroundings.

Got there yesterday morning, but as with the sky, the result was a little bumpy.

All in all an unattractive picture - not sure why, would probably be spectacular in real life - and an unsatisfying puzzle. Not without some pleasures of search and solve along the way, but overall not good. Consigned without honour to the compost heap rather than storage in an upstairs cupboard.

For the record, a Puzzle Factory 500 piece puzzle from the British Heart Foundation for the outrageous sum of £2 - double what Oxfam in Ewell Village would have charged. All my own fault for not sticking with the latter.

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