Monday 11 November 2013

Brideshead Revisited (1)

Prompted by the illustration taken from our free Epsom Guardian and by a recent revisit to Brideshead Revisited, I thought to make some enquiries, and as I thought probable, there are various extras available for a modest extra charge.

You can visit on a day when characters from the novel will be on parade, in full period costume borrowed from Miss Marple's Theatrical Costumier ( and when a small but select Puffing Poirot on loan from the National Steam Museum at York will be steaming majestically around the extensive grounds.

You can enjoy a sherry party in the Great Hall where there will be an opportunity to meet characters from the novel in a setting both informal and intimate.

Accompanied by a Sebastian and a Horrocks, you can get drunk in the style of an upper class twat of the 1920's. Conveniently, Miss Marple also does a nice line in dusty & dirty bottles.

For a rather less modest charge, you can take lunch with either a member of the Howard Family (the present inhabitants of the house, having bought it cheap after it fell into disrepair during the second world war) or a member of the Waugh Family, possibly a lineal descendant of Evelyn.

And, finally, anyone who purchases any of the above extras will get an absolutely free, vintage copy of the DVD of the famous TV serialisation of the book from 1981, featuring Mona Washbourne as Nanny Hawkins. There were also cameo roles for Messrs. Gielgud and Olivier.

I should also add, that, for those who fancy themselves as thespians, they will be interviewing for roles at the house for the forthcoming season during the second half of November. CV's on not more than one side of one piece of paper to please.

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