Wednesday 20 November 2013


Innovative codfish recipe today, the man from Hastings happening to be in town.

Take one large onion and chop fine. Gently fry in a little rapeseed oil. Add one ounce of chopped salt ham (cooked). After a while place a 12 ounce piece of cod on top, skin down. After a while turn cod and remove skin. Replace lid and continue to cook gently.

Meanwhile, boil up 6 ounces of white rice (preferably from Kerala) with a little chopped celery and a lot of water. Drain after simmering for 10 minutes, dump on top of the cod and replace the lid for the second time. Simmer for a few more minutes then stir it all up and serve with boiled green kale. Good gear - but take care to look at what you eat, there being apt to be the odd bone.

PS: and while we are on watery subjects, we have - a ship which carries no less than three captains and a rear admiral and looks to be of a different order than either of the two carriers that we are building, one of which reports that 'painters have started in the F to G join up areas and are progressing well' and that 'a total of 7,188 pipes across the block installed to date'. So the question is, given that we can no longer afford to compete with the Yanks (or, presumably, the Chinese), should we be in this sort of game at all? Should we just pay the US a membership sub. to be included under their umbrella?

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