Saturday 11 October 2014

Trolley 9

This one does not really count as we did not find it in the street and return it. But it was new for us in that we used it to shop at the Watertown, NY Walmart, an even bigger place than Kiln Lane, Epsom Sainbury's. One aspect of which was that the person we asked about baskets just laughed. Giant trolley or nothing, and it was not even made by the Wanzl people. At least, if it was, I failed to find their tag. But I did find some rust around the undercarriage (as I had previously on Terminal 2 trolleys at Heathrow).

The shop itself was a rather grim experience as we had no idea where anything was and there was nobody on staff to ask. The few people we tried asking for things seemed almost as lost as we were - although they were very nice about it.

First stop was apples which was easy. Good choice of good looking apples, with the only complaint so far being that they were rather large, with one being enough for the two of us.

Next stop was biscuits and we had some trouble finding biscuits which did not either involve chocolate or peanut butter (of all things) but we got something which turned out OK in the end.

Tea not too challenging as we found the right place fairly quickly and there was not much choice.

Muesli did not seem to exist, so we settled for some healthy crunchy lumps.

We then had some more trouble tracking down the raisins, which did not seem to come with flour & baking products as they do in Waitrose, but we got there in the end by working out from a chance encounter with dried cranberries. Sun-Maid, a known and respectable brand.

At which point we decided that we had had enough for one evening.

PS 1: this post was enlivened by a nearby church playing six o'clock hymns on its bells. Most un-English.

PS 2: impressed that when I lost my blogging window at one point during this post, I found that I had lost more or less nothing when I opened a new one. The automatic save must have been on the case.

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