Sunday 23 August 2015

A composition with hedgerow wine in the making

Despite the failure of the last attempt, I think around the time of posting reference 1, I was moved yesterday to another go at hedgerow wine. The occasion being happening to pass a couple of clumps of blackberries at the northern end of our road with an empty water bottle, empty because of the thirst brought on by the heat on the Horton Clockwise.

Filled the bottle with blackberries, added maybe a tablespoon of sugar, a few grains of bread yeast (Allinson's easy bake, the stuff that comes in a mainly green container, rather than the yellow one) and top up with water. Balance lid on top rather than screw it on. Place in blue bowl and await developments. Which was the merest hint of bubbly activity by close yesterday. but overflowed by the this morning. Left for the moment to see what happens next.

Blue bowl from the Denby Stoneware range, bought by my mother maybe sixty years ago. A brand which we are still buying, with the last occasion being only a week or so ago. See reference 2.

Red and cream tin from Gray Dunn & Co. Ltd., formerly a famous manufacturer of Christmas biscuits from Glasgow. Of the same vintage as the blue bowl. A quick peek at google fails to reveal whether they still exist, but I suspect not given that there was talk on YouTube of an abandoned factory.

Wooden contraption to the left, a carpenter's or painter's boat, still used occasionally.

White contraption below, a box used for many years to hold bicycle parts, most of which never get to be used and some of which get to be thinned out from time to time.

Work of art above, the most recent addition to the Epsom oeuvre. See reference 3 for some notes from the gallery.

With breeze blocks of the clinker variety as a backdrop. Vintage sixties home improvement.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

1 comment:

  1. Came across the maturing wine yesterday, having forgotten about it for weeks. Smelt like one of those rough red wines you used to get in French supermarkets, so decided not to chance it and fed the stuff to the compost bin instead.
