Tuesday 5 August 2014

Trolley 3

Came across this Marks & Spencer trolley down Longmead Road while attempting the Ewell village clockwise yesterday. Abandoned at that point to return the trolley to Epsom town.

One supposes that it was abandoned by some hard pressed single mum living in affordable accommodation and without transport, who could just about manage to push the thing home, but without enough space or energy to push the thing back. So perhaps I have been helpful to that extent.

Pushing the trolley back was reasonably hard work, given the way the thing bumps about on most of the surfaces involved, so it must have been very hard work to push when full, perhaps with a couple of tired small children in tow.

Perhaps trolleys have replaced jigsaws, these last now being more or less out after a run of a around 30 months.

PS: I add a plug for the BT IT support service. £10 a month to look after your IT affairs and you get a helpful person to talk to within about 30 seconds of picking up the phone. They are willing to take on pretty much anything and they nearly always get to the bottom of your problem. Pleasant and friendly with it. Very good value for money.

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