Tuesday 5 August 2014

Getting yourself onto TV

I have often wondered why people volunteer for television programmes on which they are likely to be made to look foolish, ugly, unpleasant or to be otherwise humiliated. Or in the course of which their lives & homes are invaded by cameras and camera crews. People in the US seem to be particularly up for this sort of thing: anything to appear, to be able to say you have been on the box, even if it is some low grade day-time TV show.

Today, perhaps as someone known to the system as a bag man (the system being a little out of date on this point), I receive my very own invitation to play a version of this game, albeit a version with respectable aims: it may well be helpful to people who have only recently been disabled to be able see what life is going to be like and learn a bit about what can be done to make it better from the comfort and privacy of one's own home. But even if I was qualified, I think I would need some very big inducement to make the sacrifices involved. Not my bag at all.

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