Saturday 20 December 2014

Horton clockwise

White cedar (?) looking well today in the bright late morning light and I managed to get two thirds of it into the telephone. Also the first coal tit of the season, not in a flock on this occasion.

Apart from that all quiet, but I did have some sharing thoughts.

Started with the irritating thought that most of us are suckers for the word free. If we stop and think about it we know that very little is free and that the cost has to fall somewhere, either on us the customers or on the owners of the business concerned. Mostly on us. But that does not stop us from going for whatever it is that is said to come with something that is free.

But I then moved on to think that our legislators are not immune from a variant. They are virtually powerless these days, and even if they had power they wouldn't have any money to spend. So making things illegal (see reference 1) is a free-to-them way to salve their prides and consciences - with the costs arising from such illegality being so far down stream as to be invisible. And even if the Treasury in costing proposals for legislation (one of the things it is deep into in the months leading up to the Queen's Speech) thinks to include such costs, I would be very surprised if it went on to award the enforcers any extra money.

I associate to Putin and his clique, which is alleged by the NYRB to enact such a mass of legislation, to create such an intricate web of legality & illegality, that they can always find something to pin on someone who has annoyed them. Perhaps by being rude about a favourite ballerina, or worse still slept with a favoured ballerina. Or sold the mother-in law a less than perfect cabbage. Or got their snouts in a trough that Putin & Co. like the look of. They can't decently be banged up for that, but the forces of law & order can be relied on to come up with something suitable from aforesaid web. Perhaps they can get the google search engine to help them navigate their web.

Aided and abetted in all this by the Russian legal profession, which can no doubt recognise a gift horse when it sees one.

Reference 1:

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