Wednesday 24 December 2014

A festive trolley 16

As far as I know, trolley 15 (see reference 1) still lies in its ditch down the Longmead Road. But I have had some compensation in the form of an easy trolley 16, picked up on the way to Waitrose through a not very busy Epsom market and dropped off on the way in, in exchange for a basket. I rarely actually use a trolley.

Pity about the traffic cone, which I have only just noticed. As they say in the cognitive psychology books, if one is focused on one thing in a room, one does not notice another, even it it is an elephant, or in this case a cone.

Home to invent a cheap variant on the expensive bisque at reference 2. Take over the left over potage bonne femme knocked up by BH the day before. The ingredients being, more or less and by descending weight, two pints of water, potatoes, onions, carrots, milk, flour and two chicken stock cubes (these last from Knorr). Take over the left over grilled salmon and crumb in a cup with a fork. Mix the two left overs together and bring slowly back to near boiling point. Serve with freshish crusts from a Waitrose essential white tin loaf; old enough to be a bit chewy and to give constrast the smooth texture of the soup, young enough not to be a challenge to the fillings.

The fairly highly flavoured grilled salmon gave just the right amount of carnivorous bite the basically veggie soup. I imagine one could pull the same stunt with tinned salmon or tinned prawns, which would be even at Rowley's.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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