Wednesday 11 June 2014

Stable block

Ewell Village clockwise today, which means I passed the house, the garage of which is illustrated.

A house which has always intrigued me. Maybe as much as 150 years old, more or less standard suburban villa, rendered brick with stone trim, recently thoroughly refurbished.

But what is not so standard is the hay loft above the garage, a hay loft which looks like an original feature. Was the garage once home to pony, trap or both? The sort of thing that features in the heritage Marple from Margaret Rutherford (noticed on 31st May) from the days when people could actually remember seeing ponies and traps on the streets, before they became the full-on heritage items they are now. Was having a horse stabled next to your own house, rather than in livery up the road, the decking or the island kitchen of its day? And if it was, why do so few houses sport such a thing?

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