Saturday 22 June 2013

Tit bits

There seemed to be more than the usual amount of nonsense in yesterday's Telegraph. Or maybe I just fell out of bed on the wrong side.

So we have Lenny Henry complaining that there are not enough black people in the media world, including here, I suppose, black people on the box and black people on the boards. I've not done a count, but I would have thought that they were doing quite well, with rather more of them out there than their numbers would suggest. And lots of them in advertisements. Perhaps I shall have to take a peek at the site of some gang of equal opportunities bean counters to be sure. Perhaps another day.

And then we have the full panoply of the law coming down on a rather silly mathematics teacher who had an affair with a rather silly pupil. The chap has done wrong and it does not look as if school management was on the ball, but do we really need to send him to prison? The young lady in question appears to have been nubile and fully up for whatever went on.

On to knocking the NHS, which the Telegraph seems to have been full of for the last few weeks. Maybe their agenda is to convince us that the NHS is rubbish, so we might as well let Cameron flog it off to his buddies - who presumably think that it is rather unfair that such a large slice of business is not subject to corporate taxation. How on earth do we think they can afford their houses, horses and yachts if they are denied access to this sort of thing?

That said, the goings on at the Care Quality Commission do not look too clever, at least in the Telegraph story. Destroying records which tell a story you would rather bury? Doesn't sound as if their senior team (or whatever else they may care to call their top layer of management) is too clever either.

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