Monday 10 June 2013

Bang 'em up!

Quietly walking down the shared path - shared, that is, between pedestrians and cyclists, without segregation - down Longmead Road this morning. For some reason I wobbled slightly to the left as an unheard cyclist passed me at speed on the same side, missing me by not that many inches. Why don't these people have the elementary manners and safety consciousness to use their bells when they creep up behind one? Or even to have bells for that matter? Absence of these last could easily be made a license endorsing offence, which would usefully raise their profile.

They whine enough when one of their comrades gets hit by a lorry after creeping up behind, so I think I will have a whine while they have not hit me at the same game. They should pick on things their own size.

PS: somewhat in their defence, I should perhaps add that I often find that I do not react fast enough to be able ring the bell on a bullingdon when a tourist steps out in front of me, the slightly awkward bell being not all that conveniently placed on the left hand side. But I do usually manage to shout which does nearly as well. And a tourist stepping out in front of me is not the same as me creeping up behind them - when I do manage the bullingdon bell.

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