Friday 1 February 2013

Gleanings from the Guardian

Now had the breakfast mentioned in the last post, a breakfast taken over a copy of yesterday's Guardian. I share two thoughts arising.

Zoe Williams had a piece on some of the horrors associated with our border control. But as is normal in such horror pieces, without any apparent understanding of the other side of the coin. That when there are hugely more people in dreadful conditions in various dreadful parts of the world than we in poor old UK can take on, let alone take in, there are always going to be unseemly goings on at the borders, either of the UK itself or of the rules and regulations which control those borders. There is no easy way out.

Jules Evans had a piece on the same page on our emotional intelligence. He is blessed with the glorious title of 'Policy Director at the Centre for the History of the Emotions at Queen Mary, University of London'. Assuming that this is neither misprint nor leg pull, it nicely reflects the way we have compensated for the lack of discrimination in our grades in the world of work arising from the flattening of organisational structures with a corresponding increase of discrimination in our job titles. We will find a way to get our status and importance recognised in the world, whatever the HR and management consultancy crews might get up to.

Perhaps I should be writing for the Grauniad.

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