Sunday 11 November 2012


The sorry mess that the BBC has got itself into over abuse in childrens' homes North Wales maybe 40 years ago is all very depressing.

I was lucky enough, back in December 2008 (see December 18th of that year in the other place, search there for  bryn estyn or ask Mr. Google about bryn estyn pumpkinstrokemarrow), to come across an account of this abuse and the media & judicial abuse consequent by Richard Webster, published in 2005. He left me in no doubt that more damage had been done to care workers by the various investigations than had ever been done by care workers in the first place, the result on the one hand of poor procedure and on the other of a media feeding frenzy.

It is very depressing that despite the valiant efforts of Richard Webster, we do not seem to have got any better at dealing with this sort of thing. At least the target in the present case was strong enough to defend himself - unlike some of the poor sods caught up in all this first time around.

However can you recruit decent people to work in these places if they have to run these sorts of risks? It is not as if the money is any good.

Sadly the answer will probably be more rules and more supervision - but no more money for the chaps on the ground. Lots more busy people wailing about how awful things are - but who have no great desire to get down to it themselves. Writing fat procedure manuals and moaning about others much safer. Too many chiefs and not enough indians. Not that I can say too much; I have never tried this sort of work and I doubt whether I would be any good at it. But I do try not to knock those who do.

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